Help us nurture St Leonards Concerts!
From violinist and director of St Leonards Concerts Max Baillie:

“My aim is to bring the kind of music-making audiences enjoy at top-level halls in London and further afield to my hometown of St Leonards on sea, and to present concerts in a way that feels inclusive and welcoming to seasoned concert-goers and new audiences alike. I programme both traditional and contemporary classical music, and also concerts drawing on links with folk music and jazz. A fundamental feature of St Leonards Concerts is the incredible musicianship of my guest musicians, including many international star performers. I want these events to attract concert-goers from the surrounding areas and to leave them and local audiences feeling elated, challenged, and inspired.”

Future Plans:

I would like St Leonards Concerts to be a force for creativity within the wider music world of this county: to commission new works for the series, curate fabulous programmes with star guests that can be presented elsewhere, and to programme bigger scale concerts with more ambitious repertoire. And most basically, to give people a chance to connect with the wonders of classical and other kinds of music. So far we have been relying almost exclusively on ticket sales, and this is not sustainable. To build an exciting future we need help.

There are a number of ways to do this:

  • One off donation
  • Pledge a regular donation
  • Subsidise tickets for low income ticket holders
  • Support a new work/commission
  • Support a specific concert (have a look under Upcoming Concerts)
  • Donate towards specific equipment or filming costs

To make a donation please use the donation box on this page or email Max at

We are grateful for donations of any size, and for everyone who books tickets for St Leonards Concerts! Please email us so that we can acknowledge your contribution.

Best wishes,

Max Baillie