
Friday 24th January 2025, 7:30pm
Alice Zawadkzi – voice
Fred Thomas – keyboard
Olivia Petryszak – recorder
Max Baillie – violin


F Schubert song Nacht und Träume D827

Night and Dreams

Matthäus von Collin

Holy night, you sink down; Dreams, too, float down,
Like your moonlight through space, Through the silent hearts of men. They listen with delight,
Crying out when day awakes: Come back, holy night!
Fair dreams, return!

Luciano Berio duo ‘Franco’ – violin & recorder

Green to Dust (M Baillie) – violin & recorder

F Schubert song Die liebe Farbe D795

Beloved Colour

Wilhelm Müller

I shall dress in green,
In green weeping willows:
My love is so fond of green.
I shall seek out a cypress grove, A heath full of green rosemary: My love is so fond of green.

Up, away to the merry hunt! Away over heath and hedge! My love is so fond of hunting. The game I hunt is death.
The heath I call Love’s Torment: My love is so fond of hunting.

Dig me a grave in the grass.
Cover me with green turf.
My love is so fond of green.
No black cross, no colourful flowers, Green, everything green, all around. My love is so fond of green.

J.S. Bach ‘Liebster Jesu wir sind hier’ BWV633 – keyboard, violin & recorder

J.S. Bach Orgelbuchlein Der Tag, der its so freudenreich BWV605 – keyboard, violin & recorder

F Schubert song Das Wirtshaus D911

The Inn

Wilhelm Müller

My journey has brought me To a graveyard.
Here, I thought to myself,
I will rest for the night.

Green funeral wreaths, You must be the signs Inviting tired travellers Into the cool inn.

Are all the rooms
In this house taken, then?
I am weary to the point of collapse, I am fatally wounded.

Pitiless tavern,
Do you nonetheless turn me away? On, then, press onwards,
My trusty staff!

F Schubert Der Tod und das Mädchen D531

Death and the Maiden

Matthias Claudius

Pass by, ah, pass by!
Away, cruel Death!
I am still young; leave me, dear one! And do not touch me.

Give me your hand, you lovely, tender creature! I am your friend, and come not to chastise.
Be of good courage. I am not cruel;
You shall sleep softly in my arms!

Veracini Largo – violin & piano

F Schubert song Abendstern D806

The Evening Star

Johann Mayrhofer

Why do you linger all alone in the sky, Fair star? For you are so gentle;
Why does the host of sparkling brothers Shun your sight?

‘I am the faithful star of love; They keep far away from love.’

If you are love,
You should go to them without delay! For who could resist you,
Sweet, wayward light?
‘I sow no seed, I see no shoot,
And remain here, silent and mournful.’

F Schubert song Der Leiermann D911

The Hurdy-Gurdy Player

Wilhelm Müller

There, beyond the village, Stands a hurdy-gurdy player; With numb fingers
He plays as best he can.

Barefoot on the ice
He totters to and fro, And his little plate Remains forever empty.

No one wants to listen, No one looks at him, And the dogs growl Around the old man.

And he lets everything go on As it will;
He plays, and his hurdy-gurdy Never stops.

Strange old man,
Shall I go with you?
Will you turn your hurdy-gurdy To my songs?


Olivia Petryzak – solo

JS Bach The Musical Offering Canon 1 a 2 BWV 1079 Arr. Fred Thomas – violin & recorder

JS Bach Erbarm’ dich mein, o Herre Gott BWV 721 – piano & violin

F Schubert song Meeres Stille D216

Calm Sea

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Deep silence weighs on the water, Motionless the sea rests,
And the fearful boatman sees
A glassy surface all around.

No breeze from any quarter! Fearful, deadly silence!
In all that vast expanse
Not a single ripple stirs.

J.S Bach Orgelbuchlein Durch Adams Fall list ganz verderbt BWV599 – keyboard, violin & recorder

F Schubert song Am Meer D957

By the Sea

Heinrich Heine

The sea glittered far and wide
In the sun’s dying rays;
We sat by the fisherman’s lonely house; We sat silent and alone.

The mist rose, the waters swelled, A seagull flew to and fro.
From your loving eyes
The tears fell.

I saw them fall on your hand. I sank upon my knee;
From your white hand
I drank away the tears.

Since that hour my body is consumed And my soul dies of longing.
That unhappy woman
Has poisoned me with her tears.

J.S. BWV 1056 – Keyboard Concerto No. 5 – Largo – piano solo

F Schubert song Der Neugierige D795

The Inquisitive One

Wilhelm Müller

I ask no flower,
I ask no star;
None of them can tell me
What I would so dearly like to hear.

For I am no gardener,
And the stars are too high; I will ask my little brook
If my heart has lied to me.

O brook of my love,
How silent you are today!
I wish to know just one thing,
One small word, over and over again.

One word is ‘yes’,
The other is ‘no’;
These two words contain for me The whole world.

O brook of my love,
How strange you are.
I will tell no one else:
Say, brook, does she love me?

F Schubert song Ihr Bild D957

Her Portrait

Heinrich Heine

I stood in dark dreams,
Gazing at her picture,
And that beloved face
Began mysteriously to come alive.

Around her lips played
A wondrous smile,
And her eyes glistened,
As though with melancholy tears.

My tears, too, flowed Down my cheeks.
And oh – I cannot believe That I have lost you!

F Schubert song So lasst mich scheinen D877

Thus let me seem

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Thus let me seem till thus I become. Do not take off my white dress!
I shall swiftly leave the fair earth
For that dark dwelling place below.

There, for a brief silence, I shall rest;
Then my eyes shall open afresh.
Then I shall leave behind this pure raiment, This girdle and this rosary.

And those heavenly beings
Do not ask who is man or woman, And no garments, no folds Enclose the transfigured body.

True, I lived free from care and toil, Yet I knew much deep suffering. Too soon I grew old with grief; Make me young again for ever!

J.S Bach 2 part invention in F minor BWV 780 – violin & recorder

Luciano Berio Duo ‘Aldo’ – violin & recorder

F Schubert song Am Tage aller Seelen D343

On the Day of All Souls

Johann Jacobi

May all souls rest in peace;
Those whose fearful torment is past; Those whose sweet dreams are over; Those sated with life, those barely born, Who have left this world:
May all souls rest in peace!

The souls of girls in love,
Whose tears are without number, Who, abandoned by a faithless lover, Rejected the blind world.
May all who have departed hence, May all souls rest in peace