St Leonards Concerts. 3rd November 2023. Cable Street Rag Band.

Cable Street Rag Band

Friday 3rd November / 7:30pm
Crown House, 57 Marina, St Leonards

We are looking forward to our next concert, which will be in the cosy and intimate ‘speakeasy’ setting of Crown House again. We do expect this concert to also sell out so do please book early if you plan to come. This time I have invited a band down, a group of extraordinary musicians who conjure the magical sound and spirit of jazz from the 1930s from Limehouse to New Orleans. Some of you will remember the mighty Ewan Bleach and John Kelly from our Fritz Brothers concert last February. This is their own group with trumpet legend Lewis Taylor and Harry ‘anchor’ Evans on bass. The band was born from long nights of playing at Cable Street studios in Limehouse, a group of true jazz heavyweights with whom I can’t wait to appear as guest! Crown House doesn’t have lots of space but there may even be a bit of floorspace near the bar for some dancing…

St Leonards Concerts. 3rd November 2023. Cable Street Rag Band.